鼓勵孩子/學生的10句話 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OyUr63m-gKQ
Good job! (be more specific) 更明確、具體告知孩子,哪裡做得不錯
I love those colors you used, that was so creative. 你使用的顏色(在著色時)我好喜歡,你好有創造力喔!
1.Your ideas are so creative. 你好有創造力
Too much praise can have negative effects… 稱讚過頭會有反效果
好像要成功才會得到稱讚? 其實學習過程也可以鼓勵與稱讚!
2.I knew you could do it! 我知道你能做到
3.Keep working on it, you’re almost there! 繼續努力,快成功了
4.You’ve figured it out! 你自己想出(答案)來了!
5.You did it! 你辦到了
6.You must have been practicing. 你一定一直再練習
7.I’m so proud of you. 我為你驕傲
8.I can see that you are working so hard on this. 我看得出你很努力
9.You can learn from your mistakes. 你可以從錯誤中學習
10.I am so glad you asked for help when you needed it. 我很開心你在需要幫忙時主動開口
You can try your best. 你可以努力試看看
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